GreyOrange Displays Its Ranger GTP

From Modern Materials Handling
By Chris Lewis

Throughout this week at ProMatDX, GreyOrange will be showcasing its Ranger GTP, a decision-driven science robotic goods-to-person (GTP) system.

As an advanced autonomous mobile robot (AMR), Ranger GTP uses robotic GTP technology for automated put-away, inventory storage, replenishment and order picking in distribution and fulfillment centers.

Developed in concert with GreyMatter AI software and purpose-engineered for speed and versatility, Ranger GTP also continuously data-shares with GreyMatter, while working in collaborative performance with other robots, along with humans.

Ranger GTP also adapts seamlessly to changing inventory profiles, demand patterns and peaks. And, due to its modular system architecture, it also ensures bi-directional scalability, which increases storage volume or fulfillment throughput independently, as it adds more storage racks or robots whenever necessary.

“From reducing travel time by five times that of human workers, to reconfiguring mobile stock units and working in tandem with other GTPs, as well as Ranger Pick and Ranger MoveSmart, the result is fluid, dynamic optimization,” said John Seidl, retail industry supply chain technology leader at GreyOrange.

Read full article on Modern Materials Handling.

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